Abstract Submission - Addicon2024

The organizing committee of ADDICON2024 invites abstract for the following types of presentations:

  •         Free Paper (oral)
  •         Symposia and Workshops
  •         E-posters  
  •         Thesis Paper Presentations Awards
  •         Dr. Saadgi Jagawat Award for paper presentation

Abstract Submission Guidelines: General  

·        Abstracts must be submitted via the conference website only. Abstracts or proposals received through any other medium will not be considered.

·        Abstracts must be submitted in English.

·        Please note that there are no limits on the number of abstracts which can be submitted, however, each individual presenter will be selected to present a maximum of two free paper presentations.

·        Submission of an abstract is accompanied by an undertaking that the presenters / authors agree for the abstract to be published in the conference proceedings.

·        Submission of an abstract is accompanied by disclosure regarding any potential Conflicts of Interest.

·        The presenting author has the sole responsibility towards the contents of the abstract including the consent of the co-authors.

·        After the closure of online submission system, abstracts may not be edited.

·        Inclusion of presentation in the final conference program is incumbent upon registration for the conference. Only duly registered delegates will be allowed to make the presentation.

·        Upon successful submission of the abstract, the submitter will receive a confirmation e-mail along with the unique number assigned to the submitted abstract.

·        All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee. The decisions of the Scientific Committee regarding acceptance of the abstract, its scheduling and the type of presentation shall be final and binding.

While submitting the abstracts for the free paper one or more topics among the following, need to be selected (to which the paper belongs): 

  • Alcohol
  • Illicit drugs
  • Neurobiology of addiction
  • Psychosocial issues in addictions
  • Phenomenology and diagnostic issues in addictions
  • Cannabis
  • New Psychoactive Substances
  • Addiction and physical health comorbidities 
  • Pharmacological treatments for addiction
  • Legal and Policy issues in addiction psychiatry
  • Behavioural addictions
  • Psychosocial interventions for addiction
  • Addictive behaviours and the society
  • During abstract submission every submitter shall provide an undertaking to effect that:
    • I confirm that all the authors of the abstract agree with the content of the abstract.
    • All the authors undertake that no part of the information and content provided by them nor the publication of any such content by the APSI on the internet or otherwise infringes any third-party rights, including but not limited to privacy rights and/or intellectual property rights.
    • All the authors grant the APSI a copyright license to reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the content.
    • I confirm that the abstract submitter shall be the corresponding author for all practical purpose.
    • I understand that the presenting author must be a registered delegate to the conference.

Abstract Submission Guidelines: Free paper (oral)

  • Free paper (oral) are expected to be presentations of approximately 10 minutes.
  • While submitting an abstract for the free paper (oral) session, the online submission system will ask for the following: 

Presenting author’s name and affiliation:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email address
  • Affiliation details: Department,
  • Affiliation details: Institution
  • Affiliation details: City
  • Affiliation details: State
  • Affiliation details: Country,
  • Affiliation details: Phone number

Co-authors’ details:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email address

Abstract title (word limit 50):

Abstract body (Word limit 300; should be organized into):

o Background
o Methods
o Results
o Conclusions

Abstract Submission Guidelines: Symposia / Workshops

  • Symposia/workshops will have a maximum of five presenters.
  • For symposia/workshops there shall be one convenor who will be the communicating author and one of the presenting authors.
  • While submitting an abstract for the Symposia/Workshop session, the online submission system will ask for the following:

Convenor’s name and affiliation:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email address
  • Affiliation details: Department,
  • Affiliation details: Institution
  • Affiliation details: City
  • Affiliation details: State
  • Affiliation details: Country,
  • Affiliation details: Phone number

Title of the Symposium/ Workshop (word limit 50)

Abstract body for Symposia/Workshop (Word limit 300; should be organized into):

  • Objectives of the symposium / workshop
  • Background
  • Description of the symposium / workshop

Title of the Individual presentations: (word limit 50)

Individual presenter’s details (upto 5):

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email address
  • Affiliation details: Department,
  • Affiliation details: Institution
  • Affiliation details: City
  • Affiliation details: State
  • Affiliation details: Country,
  • Affiliation details: Phone number

Paper Submission guidelines: Thesis Paper Presentations Awards

  • The organizing committee of ADDICON 2024 invites submissions for the Thesis Paper presentation awards.
  • Candidates who have already submitted their own thesis (for MD Psychiatry or DM Addiction Psychiatry courses) to any recognized institution / university in India are eligible to participate.
  • The thesis should have been submitted between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2024.
  • The thesis should have been conducted only for the following courses: MD (Psychiatry); DM (Addiction Psychiatry); DNB (Psychiatry).
  • The thesis candidate / presenter needs to be a member / membership-applicant of the APSI.
  • The chief guide of the thesis needs to be a fellow / fellowship-applicant of the APSI.
  • The paper may be based upon the entire thesis or a part thereof.
  • To participate, the contestants shall submit:
    • The complete manuscript / paper (as per the guidelines below)
    • Details of thesis submitted, forwarded by the thesis guide with their signatures and official stamp.
    • Digital copy of the thesis
  • The time for presentation will be 15 minutes.
  • Only the shortlisted papers will be included for presentation. Rest may be considered for a free paper (oral) presentation.
  • The thesis candidate needs to be the first author of the paper and the presenter of the paper.
  • What will be evaluated? The panel of judges will evaluate only the PAPER (which is based upon the thesis) and the PRESENTATION of the paper during the conference, but not the thesis itself. Copy of the thesis will be used only for the purpose of confirmation that the paper being presented is based upon the submitted thesis.
  • Decision of the jury shall be final and binding.
  • The winners will be announced during the valedictory session of the conference.
  • The paper may be based upon the entire thesis or only a part of the thesis.
  • Copyright of the papers submitted for this award shall continue to be with the authors. Thus the papers presented in the conference may have already been presented or published elsewhere and/or can be presented or published in any forum in the future.
  • The paper needs to follow the following format:
    • Covering letter: signed by the thesis candidate and forwarded by the guide with signature and stamp
    • Title page: showing Title of the paper, names of authors and their affiliations, number of words, number of tables, number of figures, number of references
    • Paper must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 points, double line spacing,
    • The manuscript needs to be submitted in MS Word.
    • Word limit: 3000 Words; Number of references: 30; Referencing style – Vancouver (numbers, in parentheses)   
  • Number of Awards:
    • Best Thesis Paper: 1
    • Runner-up: 2
  • The award would entail a certificate, and a memento / plaque for the winners.

Paper submission Guidelines: Dr. Saadgi Jagawaat Award for paper presentation

Dr. Saadgi Jagawaat Award has been instituted by APSI with a generous grant from parents of Late Dr. Saadgi Jagawaat.

The Award will be given to a women delegate who is currently pursuing her MD Psychiatry or DNB Psychiatry or DM Addiction Psychiatry.

  • To compete for the award, the candidate needs to submit the following:
    • Abstract of the paper
    • Copy of official institute identity card
    • A cover letter forwarded by the Head of the department
  • The paper must be on any of the sub-topic of addiction psychiatry
  • One candidate can submit only one abstract
  • The candidate must be the first and presenting author
  • The presentation will be evaluated by a jury to decide the winner
  • Each candidate will get up to 10 minutes for presentation
  • The award will consist of a certificate and a plaque / memento
  • Award winner will be announced during the valedictory session of ADDICON 2024
  • If there are too many entries for the award, APSI holds the right to evaluate and pick up certain abstracts for award presentation and the rest can be provided an option to present as free paper
  • A Candidate competing for ‘Dr. Saadgi Jagawaat Award’ can ALSO compete for the ‘Best Thesis Paper Award’. However, she needs to submit separate abstracts for both the awards.

The candidate for this award need to be a member / membership applicant for APSI